Raven Harper

Handworks Teacher

A member of PMWS since 2010, Ms. Harper enjoys teaching and learning from the children as she guides them to use their hands to create beautiful work. She received her Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Textile Design from The University of Kansas, completed the Prairie Moon Teacher Preparation Course with Robin Bacchus in the summers of 2012–2014, and completed a four-year Applied Arts Program for Handwork at the Fiber Craft Studio in New York in 2021. She enjoys doing all handwork media and taking walks with her husband and dog. 

"Prairie Moon Waldorf School is a welcoming, rich community where loving, beautiful families come to grow, learn and share. In the years that I have been teaching here I have grown so much in my inner life and I've seen amazing growth in all the children that I have taught. We as teachers really care and really love; we see a need and we want meet it. I am so thankful that I found
this place."